

Blog: WiFI Express Module - Step by Step Setup

Here is a simple walkthrough that gets everyone going with WiFi Express Module. There are some basic steps that are not explained very clearly in the manual.

This is my own "Way" that our team drivers use the wifi express with all products it works with. Also, a video to show you the steps as well. Very easy once you "see it". Very hard to explain clearly.

Before you being, turn your phone Off, then turn it back on.

Here are the steps
1 - Plug the wifi express to the Fan Port on the ESC.
2 - Turn on the ESC.(Battery must be installed)
3 - Then open your Phone's Wifi Settings, and connect to the Wifi Express. This is where it asks for the Password 12345678.
4 - Then, you can open the app.
5 - Tap the ESC icon, and access the settings.

Here's a link to using all the devices, they all pretty much work exactly the same. Most times, when folks can't connect, they are not connecting via the phone's Wifi Settings "before" they open App. It's important to know, you must connect via the Phones Wifi Settings, before you open the App.

Wifi and the Max Series Video



>> WiFi Express Module