Trey Smith reporting for Team HOBBYWING
Hobbytown USA in Kennesaw GA had a drag competition on August 23rd. The track was 132' and treated for traction on the first 30'. We ran 2 passes for each matchup so that both racers had a pass on each lane for fairness, with a tie breaker pass if needed where lane was selected by coin toss. The event was single elimination, so if you lost in a matchup you were out.
12 cars turned out and I ran my Ofna JL10-e with the Quicrun 10 & Quicrun 3656. Geared 69/40 on SMC 6500 3s.
Even though the track was treated for the first 30' I struggled with traction, and had to roll into the power so that I was not full on until the end of the treated section. Even with the traction issues, I only had one matchup that went to 3 passes winning most 2-0. One pass was recorded at 60.3mph, which is pretty good since the track was basically 100' to my car. It was VERY hot in Atlanta yesterday and even with the tall gearing I did not have any heat issues.
The Traxxas Funny Car body in the picture above was the first prize. It is signed by John Force, The 2014 NHRA Funny Car Champion.